Healthy Sexual Development:
Birth to Three Years
It is Normal for Children to:
Explore and touch private parts, in public and in private (Children may experience physical genital arousal, including erections in boys and lubrication in girls. This may be a form of self-soothing for toddlers)
Show their private parts to others
Try to touch mother’s or other women’s breasts
Remove clothes and want to be naked
Attempt to see other people when they are naked or undressing
Ask questions about their own—and others’—bodies and bodily functions
Talk to children their own age about bodily functions
Promote Your Child's Healthy Sexual Development:​
Use accurate names for body parts
Explain the basic anatomical differences between males and females
Explain that bodies change as children grow up
Explain that babies come from inside a woman’s uterus
Teach children about respectful personal boundaries without shaming the child (keeping private parts covered, not touching other children’s private parts)
Accept the child’s gender identification
Give simple answers to all questions about the body and bodily functions
Healthy Sexual Development:
Children Three to Six Years
It is Normal for Children to:
Touch private parts (masturbation), occasionally in the presence of others
Attempt to see other people when they are naked or undressing
Mimic dating behavior (such as kissing, or holding hands)
Talk about private parts and use “naughty” words
Explore private parts with children their own age
Use slang words, “potty humor” or jokes to describe body parts and functions
Develop a deeper understanding of gender roles
Exhibit sex play or activities that explore sexuality and bodies and socially prescribed gender roles
Promote Your Child's Healthy Sexual Development:
Use accurate names for body parts
Explain basic anatomical differences between genders and how bodies change as children grow up
Explain that babies come from inside a woman’s uterus
Teach children about respectful personal boundaries (keeping private parts covered, not touching other children’s private parts) without shaming the child
Accept the child’s gender identification
Give simple answers to all questions about the body and bodily functions
Allow the child to dress up and play with toys from the “other” gender
Respect child’s modesty and desire for privacy
Monitor what they are exposed to in all media; use all resources available to block porn sites, and watch television and movies together and discuss sexualized situations
Healthy Sexual Development:
Children Seven to Twelve Years
It is Normal for Children to:
Masturbate occasionally reaching physical climax as they reach puberty
Play games with children their own age that involve sexual behavior (such as “truth or dare”, “playing family,” or “boyfriend/girlfriend”)
Be curious about and attempt to see other people naked or undressing
Look at pictures of naked or partially naked people
Be interested in sexual content in media
Want more privacy
Feel sexual attraction to/interest in peers
Promote Your Child's Healthy Sexual Development:
Don’t push the child to be more grown up (calling time with a friend a “date” or encouraging make-up
Discuss gender roles and identities and accept and support a child who is gender non-conforming and accept the child's developing orientation (it's still fluid at this point, and for some kids fluidity lasts longer!)
Discuss different sexual orientations and accept the child’s orientation
Explain the basics of human reproduction, including the role of vaginal intercourse
Describe the physical changes that occur during puberty
Teach that masturbation is something that occurs in private
Explain risks of sexual activity (pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases)
Explain risks of on-line sexual behavior - sharing sexualized photos may lead to legal issues, and embarrassment if the images are shred further
Explain the basics of contraception
Healthy Sexual Development:
Children Thirteen and Older
It Is Normal for Children to:
Experience puberty
Want more privacy
Masturbate and have sexual fantasies including intense feelings of physical sexual arousal which can be very confusing to an unprepared child
Look at pictures and videos of naked people
Be interested in sexual content in media
Be extremely concerned with appearances
Experiment with relationships and sexual behaviors
Move towards defining sexual identity which could include identity confusion
Date and engage in sexual behavior (flirting, kissing, contact)
Promoting Your Child's Healthy Sexual Development:
Discuss how to give and ask for consent
Develop a safety plan with your child that include what to do if there are unwanted sexual advances
Discuss contraception
Clearly share your family's values on all aspects of sexuality, from consent to sex to hooking up to sex outside or marriage
Discuss options should unprotected sex occur
Reinforce child's ability to make good decisions
Use inclusive language that acknowledges a variety of gender and sexual orientations
Ensure that your child understands the physical and emotional dynamics of sexual arousal, and knows how to deal with their own arousal and that of others