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Here is some information about healthy sexual development of children over the course of their childhood, what to expect and how caregivers can support and promote their children’s well-being.


Teaching parents and children about healthy sexual development is a protective factor to prevent child sexual abuse. When parents talk to their children about sexual development in a developmentally appropriate manner, they can not only support their health and development but they can also help protect their children from sexual abuse. Using proper names for body parents can ensure clear communication between parents and children and helps avoids misunderstandings and secret-keeping. Talking about sexual development with a child can show the child that the parent is a helpful resource and someone to go to with questions, concerns, or if someone approaches them in a way that doesn’t feel safe or comfortable.


The information provided is designed to be useful to caregivers as well as professionals and explains the sexual development of a typically developing child. Of course, there is normal variation between children so this is meant as a general guide, not what any particular child will be like. This document is designed to be downloaded and shared. Please feel free to contact us to find out about opportunities to provide training on this topic to professionals who work with families, at

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